I live in the wonderful and volatile city of Joburg in South Africa. Sometimes I get the urge to write stuff down. This is where it lives.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My recipe for a great relationship

So Justin and I have been married about a month and a half now (nevermind the 7 and half years of 'dating' before that) - and it's going very well!

I have realised a few things about how we relate to each other, which I think are what make it work... things that may seem small but make all the difference in the long term. Besides, isn't it the little things that also make it NOT work?

Each night when I get home from work, he asks me how my day was, and I ask him the same thing.

We pay each other attention and compliments on a very regular basis - just today I was getting dressed for work and he was watching me and he smiled and told me I looked really cute in what I was wearing... he makes me feel like we just met and are in the 'twitterpated' stage. ;>

I think the best thing is that we take everything one day at a time - and that's why it's almost hard to believe we have been together so long!

I'm a VERY lucky gal.


Blogger Tamarai said...

Ah... that's sweet! It's great when you reach that place. Kate and I will definitely agree. We were just saying this weekend how much stronger our relationship is now that we don't focus the nitpicky-bullshit that threatened to pull us apart. Rock on.

2:06 pm

Blogger purplesime said...

Hey Dori,
It gets even better, I am finding. Two months now Annie and I have been married, seven years of dating. We are closer now than ever before.

We've always talked, communicated, made each other laugh. There is a sense that this will disappear once you're married - if you let it, I say.

I can't imagine being without Annie, which is enough to make me try harder and never take her for granted. She would say the same, I'm sure.

So pleased it's working out for you two.

purplesimon out...

12:01 pm


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